UK Vessel – Over and Out…
UK survey run-down By Claire Lacey (Cruise Leader) The more avid readers amongst you will have noticed that updates from the UK vessel have been coming in fits and starts- our apologies for this – our internet…
Field Diaries
UK survey run-down By Claire Lacey (Cruise Leader) The more avid readers amongst you will have noticed that updates from the UK vessel have been coming in fits and starts- our apologies for this – our internet…
The deep divers by Becci Jewell The northern transect lines of SCANS-III zig-zag between the edge of the continental shelf and the deep waters beyond and many of our sightings have been of the deep diving cetacean…
Bingo! full house on shearwaters By Mark Tasker For the first half of this cruise (north and west of Britain and Ireland), we were lucky enough to have Mark Lewis and Paul French as our on-board bird observers. Since…
By Jonas Teilmann & Signe Sveegaard (Cruise Leaders) On 24 July, the Danish ship survey on RV Aurora was successfully completed. The weather had not been kind in the early part of the survey so the northern areas had…
By Julio Valeiras and Begoña Santos, Cruise co-ordinators The Spanish cruise that has covered the southernmost offshore waters of the SCANS-III survey area is finishing tomorrow. Today we are surveying the last two…
By Begoña Santos and Julio Valeiras, Cruise co-ordinators Since the last update on 15 July, the IEO research vessel Ángeles Alvariño has had its mid-cruise stop, finished the remaining transect lines in the NW block…
by Hélder Araújo (Team leader) After nearly 4,000 nautical miles flown, 6 days of surveying on effort and rewarded with almost 4,000 animals sighted, Team VII concluded the Iberian Peninsula aerial campaign!! Ten…
By Connor Ryan (observer on Skoven) One of the enjoyable things about life on a ship for me is the comforting routine: early start, strict times for meals and obligatory coffee time. Our current routine is structured…
By Susannah Calderan The SCANS-III shipboard teams have all eyes on the sea, searching for whales and dolphins. But we’re all ears too, thanks to our passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) equipment. Whilst we’re carrying…
By Claire Lacey (Cruise Leader) Team Skoven had a great start to our survey campaign. We left Aberdeen on 27 June and had a 36 hour passage to the start of our survey transects. One of our tasks on the way was to…